Thursday, September 28, 2023

Creating Connections with Together To Gather w Lia James and Jessie Shternshus

Together To Gather is a card game developed by Lia James from &Human and Jessie Shternshus from the Improv Effect to help leverage the power of great questions to inspire meaningful conversations. If you are looking for a really fun way to build deeper relationships with your team members or any group of people you interact with, you should definitely check out this interview. During our conversation, Jessie, Lia, and I talk about how and why the game works and discuss different use cases for it. You can even watch us play a few rounds and learn one of the reasons I was so bad at working in a recording studio.

You can watch a video of the interview here.

You can listen to an audio version of the interview here.

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Can AI Replace a Scrum Master? with Zach Stone

Zach Stone joins me to explore how AI is going to impact the work of the Scrum Master and Scrum Team Members. 

  • Will the SM be replaced? 
  • What parts of the work can be offloaded onto AI? 
  • What can a Scrum Team member do to get ready for AI? 
  • Once AI fully arrives... what the hell am I going to do all day?

You can listen to the podcast here.

The transcript is here.