Wednesday, July 17, 2024

How to Read a Cumulative Flow Diagram with Colleen Johnson

Despite working in this field for over 20 years, I am embarrassed to say that I still can't make sense of a Cumulative Flow Diagram. Fortunately, ProKanban CEO Colleen Johnson is very patient and in this interview she gets me all sorted out on how to look at a CFD and understand what it is trying to say. 

You can find the video version here

You can find the audio version here

You can sign up for my new course The Art of War for Collaboration here

Thursday, June 27, 2024

The Art of War with Si Alhir

Si Alhir joins me to discuss Sun Tzu's The Art of War, its application in transformation work, and the naturalness and unity found within its wisdom. We explore the concept of taking whole, the relationship with the environment, and the role of the Sage Commander. Si shares personal experiences and insights, emphasizing the transformative power of the Art of War. The conversation delves into the concept of enlightened leadership and the application of the principles from 'The Art of War' in organizational transformation. It explores the distinction between an enlightened ruler and a wise general, the importance of psychological safety, and the shift from a vicious ego-based reality control cycle to a virtuous eco-based reality navigation cycle. The conversation concludes with a powerful story of using the ordinary and the extraordinary to transform toxic organizational dynamics.

You can find the podcast here:

Monday, June 17, 2024

Did Coaching Kill Agile? with Sandra Cain and Jeff Leach

Is Agile dead? If so, whodunnit? 

Jeff Leach and Sandra Cain join me for a conversation about how "coaching" has impacted Agile and whether its actually dead or it really just needs a hug and a stern talking to and maybe a time-out.

Links from the intro

Certified Scrum Product Owner July 1-2, 2024 (Use PRIOR50 to get $50 off the list price)
Dave's upcoming classes:
The Art of War for Collaboration:
Contacting Dave:

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Are you the hero or the villain in your team? w/ Carl Smith and Jesse Wroblewski

Most of us tend to view ourselves as the hero of the story, but it's a pretty safe bet that Darth Vader also thought he was the good guy.  So how do you know if you're actually the villain? Carl Smith and Jesse Wroblewski join the podcast to share ideas on how to figure out if you're Batman or The Joker on your team.

You can find the podcast here.


  • Being a hero or a villain is subjective and depends on the perspective of others.
  • Leaders should be aware of their actions and the impact they have on their team.
  • Empathy and self-reflection are important in avoiding villainous behavior.
  • True communication and understanding can help build stronger relationships within a team. Difficult conversations and honest feedback are crucial for effective leadership.
  • Fear and pressure can lead to toxic leadership, and it's important to find healthy ways to manage negative energy.
  • Having a coach and seeking unfiltered feedback can help improve self-awareness.
  • Decommoditization is a strategy to differentiate oneself in a competitive market.
  • The Bureau community is a supportive and inspiring network for professionals.

Monday, May 06, 2024

Human Hacking with Christopher Hadnagy and Dr. Abbie Maroño

I am SO psyched to share this interview!

In this interview, I am joined by Christopher Hadnagy and Dr. Abbie Maroño from Social Engineer to talk about how social engineering practices can be used in a positive way to foster greater collaboration in teams. 

I have been a huge fan of Chris's work for a long time. He's had a big influence on how I approach the work that I do.  With Dr. Abbie covering the psychology aspect of human hacking it adds a whole other dimension to the work. 

You can find the video version of the interview here.

You can find the audio version of the interview here.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

What's The Next Most Important Thing to Learn with Scott Sehlhorst


I’m testing out the AI Generated Summary…

Click here to go straight to the podcast

In this conversation, Dave Prior and Scott Sehlhorst discuss the importance of improving the product plan while executing it. They explore the common problem of companies jumping straight into execution without considering what they should build and why. Scott emphasizes the need to shift from a mindset of control to one of influence, where product managers focus on solving problems and creating value for customers and the business. They also discuss the concept of uncertainty and sensitivity and how to navigate it using impact mapping to identify needs and changes. In this conversation, Scott Sehlhorst discusses the importance of shifting into a business model and the need to create changes and hypotheses. He emphasizes the process of narrowing down the target population and quantifying the impact of changes. Scott also highlights the significance of determining sensitivity and making connections between cause and effect. He introduces the confidence rubric and explains how to prioritize experiments. The conversation concludes with the idea of constantly improving the plan and focusing on the next most important thing to learn.

You can find the podcast here.

Monday, April 15, 2024

Fixing PI Planning with Alan Dayley

 SAFe Program Consultant, Alan Dayley, is back to join me for a conversation about how PI Planning (or quarterly planning) is supposed to work, why so many organizations keep sabotaging their ability to make it work, and how they can fix it. 

Developers are not batteries.

You can find the interview here

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Advanced Certified Scrum Product Owner

I am VERY happy to be able to share that I am now offering Advanced Certified Scrum Product Owner classes.  If you are a CSPO and are looking for a way to raise your game or demonstrate an advanced level of proficiency in your craft, Advanced CSPO is a great way to do that. The course is two full days of highly interactive group work that will help you raise your PO game to a new level.

You can find my upcoming A-CSPO classes here.

And you can find ALL my upcoming classes and workshops here.

Monday, April 08, 2024

How to Pick the Right Scrum Training For You with Vic Bonacci

Vic Bonacci joins me for a conversation about what factors you should consider when signing up for a Scrum Certification (or really any kind of certification) class. Price is definitely a factor, but not the only one that matters. You are making a huge investment of time and money. Choose wisely.

You can find the podcast here.

Monday, April 01, 2024

Making Sense of Co-Pilots, Agents, and Changes in AI with Snehal Talati

If you are having trouble making sense of AI you are not alone. Snehal Talati has created a basic AI course for the Scrum Alliance to help get you sorted on the difference between AI Agents, Co-pilots, LLMs, and all the other phrases you keep hearing people talk about. It's only been a few months since Snehal was last on the podcast and the whole landscape has changed. The good news is he's back and you can get completely up to speed by listening right here: