< Begin Shameless Plug...
The 2014 Digital PM Summit IS ONLY TWO WEEKS AWAY! Sign up at http://www.dpm2014.com/ and you'll spend two day in the company of a few hundred project managers and digital media professionals who are part of a growing community of passionate, committed, creative people who are incredibly energizing to be around.
...end shameless plug>
If you'd like more detail on why this conference is so inspiring, check out the Digital PM Radio interview I did. It was a little weird to be the one being interviewed for a change, but I had a great time. Carl Smith a great interviewer.

...end shameless plug>
If you'd like more detail on why this conference is so inspiring, check out the Digital PM Radio interview I did. It was a little weird to be the one being interviewed for a change, but I had a great time. Carl Smith a great interviewer.
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