Monday, April 26, 2021

Catching up with Melissa Boggs

Melissa Boggs spent two years as the Chief ScrumMaster at the Scrum Alliance. In January she took on a new role as the Vice President of Business Agility at Sauce Labs. In this interview, we talk about what she learned in her time as Chief SM and what advice she has for others heading down that path, and why you should "just jump". 

You can find the interview here.

Monday, April 19, 2021

Coaching Stances with Dan Eberle

This episode features an interview with Dan Eberle. Dan is an Agile Coach, working at the New York Times and leading a few Agile-centric communities of practice. During the conversation, we discuss different coaching stances, how to develop your skill with employing them, how to measure your success as an Agile Coach, how being an internal coach differs from coaching at a consulting company, some tips for those moving towards a coaching role, and things to watch out for as you head down that path.

You can find the interview here:

Monday, April 12, 2021

Agile Coaching Ethics with Shane Hastie

If you’ve been working as a coach or a consultant for any length of time you have run into situations where you have to make a decision about what the “right” thing to do actually is. Sometimes, it is pretty obvious, sometimes, not so much. Some professional organizations have established standards that credentialed professionals promise to adhere to. The International Coaching Federation has the ICF Code of Ethics and the Project Management Institute has a Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct. In January of 2020 the Agile Alliance launched the Agile Coaching Ethics Initiative. In January of 2021, they launched a draft of their Code of Ethical Conduct for Agile Coaching along with a set of scenarios to help clarify what is, and is not an appropriate response in a variety of complicated situations.

You can find the interview and more on this topic here:

Friday, April 09, 2021

The Metrics Cookbook with Derek Huether

Derek Huether is out with a new book - Metrics Cookbook. If you are trying to figure out which metrics to pay attention to and why this book (and this podcast) are what you need. During the interview, Derek and I talk about why he wrote the book, what problems it addresses, and then we dig into a specific example of how taking a fresh look at metrics was just what a company needed to realize they were trying to take on way too many projects at once and take corrective action so some of the projects actually reached completion. 

You can pick up the book here:

Video version of the interview:

Audio version of the interview: