Tuesday, January 29, 2019

The Evolving Role of the PMO in an Agile Organization - Catching Up With Jesse Fewell

I got a chance to catch up with Jesse Fewell at the start of 2019. In this Reluctant Agilist podcast Jesse and I talk about how project management continues to evolve as a result of the introduction of Agile and how the PMO continues to refine the role it plays in an organization that is making the transition to Agile. The whole conversation draws from the fact that we both got our start in traditional project management and were two of the initial people focused on helping to build a bridge between PMI and the Scrum Alliance.

As an added note, Jess is now the only person I have ever interviewed who has quote Suicidal Tendencies and then talked about reading the Bible within the space of 5 minutes on a podcast.

You can find the podcast on The Reluctant Agilist blog on ProjectManagement.com

Monday, January 14, 2019

Developing a PMO that is Actually Agile - Hearst Digital Media

Hearst Digital Media has an actual, real life, fully functioning AGILE PMO!

Developing a PMO that is Actually Agile - Hearst Digital Media

This is one of the most inspiring interviews I have had the chance to do in a long time. It features a conversation with Michelle Dennis, Director of Product Management, and Jacquelyn Talpalar, Director of Agile Operations for Hearst Digital Media. During the podcast we discuss what the've gone through over the past 4 years to establish an Agile PMO, the challenges they faced along the way, what makes it work and their advice for others who are on this path.

You can find the interview on The Reluctant Agilist blog on ProjectManagement.com.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Kicking off 2019 with Mike Cottmeyer

Shiny new episode of LeadingAgile Soundnotes... my interview with Mike Cottmeyer on what he's focused on for 2019 and what to expect in the Agile space.


Monday, January 07, 2019

Comparative Agility with Jorgen Hesselberg

“Agile is not something you become, Agile is something you become more of.”

For organizations that are engaged in Agile Transformation, it is often very challenging to get a sense of where you are with respect to successfully adopting a new way of working. Comparative Agility is a tool that has been designed to help Agile coaches and organizations get a deeper understanding of their progress towards Agile transformation. 

In this interview, Jorgen Hesselberg, co-founder of Comparative Agility, and I discuss how the tool has evolved since it was created in 2008 and how it is now being used by coaches and organizations to not only understand how their transformation is going, but how they are doing compared to others within their vertical, as well. We also talk about the work that Comparative Agility has been doing with the Scrum Alliance and how the tool has been extended to include things like Security and DevOps, in addition to discussing Jorgen’s book “Unlocking Agility.”


If you’d like to check out Comparative Agility, you can find it here: https://www.comparativeagility.com
If you’d like to read “Unlocking Agility”, you can find it here: https://amzn.to/2setHly

Contacting Jorgen